Judicial Subcircuits
There are 20 judicial subcircuits in Cook County. For more information view the interactive map of the Newly Enacted Cook County Judicial Subcircuits for 2024.
The 11th judicial subcircuit encompasses various suburbs and parts of the city of Chicago (the 11th subcircuit is in light pink).
Cook County Judicial Subcircuits Interactive Map:

The 11th judicial subcircuit includes all or portions of the following suburbs: Rosemont, Park Ridge, Norridge, Elmwood Park, Schiller Park, River Grove and Oak Park and all or portions of the following townships Elk Grove, Leyden, Maine, Norwood Park and Oak Park.
For more information visit https://www.cookcountyclerkil.gov/map-room
City Of Chicago
The 11th judicial subcircuit includes all or portions of the following Chicago neighborhoods: Edison Park, Oriole Park, Jefferson Park, and Dunning and all or portions of the following Chicago wards 41, 45, 38 29 and 36.
For more information visit www.chicagoelections.gov/en/home.html